Vote Different Santa Fe – New Mexico’s First Ranked Choice Voting

Vote Different Santa Fe – New Mexico’s First Ranked Choice Voting

For an election to be successful and democratic, voters must be well informed and
know enough about the system to cast ballots that are legally valid.

A District Court ruling on Nov. 29, 2017 ordered the City of Santa Fe to move from a
plurality vote system to ranked-choice-voting (RCV) in time for the March 6, 2018,
municipal election, marking the first time the RCV system would be used in New

This was an historic election campaign. In less than two months, PKPR acted quickly
and decisively to make sure Santa Fe voters knew how to vote, where to vote and when
to vote. We came together with city staff and passionate community partners in an effort
that was truly community-wide to ensure that New Mexico’s first ever RCV election was
not only successful, but that it was worthy of the trust of Santa Fe’s voters.

39% increase in voter turnout from previous municipal election
96% ballot accuracy
81% of voters very satisfied with voter experience
71% support for using RCV in future elections
169,000 people with 10,300 engagements were reached through social media
23,544 people (8,800 minutes) viewed the video with an engagement rate of 56 percent
2,000 website visit and practice ballots
Canvassing groups reached 17,000 homes
2,500 attended public forums, with several hundred viewing live streams
2+million earned media impressions with 34 accurate message news items, including 3
positive news editorials.